EMR_DefaultRole not displayed in dropbox


I want to create an EMR Cluster. To do that, I need to select a service role in the last step, but when I click the drop box, no role appears. When I looked at someone's tutorial, there was a default role called EMR_DefaultRole. Why can't I see this?

This is my dropbox

This picture is my screen when I click the dropbox to search roles (but no roles appear)

This picture is from other man's tutorial

This picture is from other man's tutorial (He searched EMR_DefaultRole)

asked 2 years ago360 views
1 Answer

This is because you or any other IAM role /user has not created any EMR cluster before in that AWS Account. Option 1:

You can run the cloudformation as found here to create v1 roles.https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-mwaa-complex-workflow-using-step-functions/blob/main/setup/default-emr-roles.yaml

Option 2

You can click "Create New Role" and can create service roles as well. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/emr/latest/ManagementGuide/emr-iam-roles.html


Alternatively , switch to old console and you will see default roles available in "Create Cluster - Quick Options".

answered 2 years ago

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