Is it possible in AWS to monitor my email and whenever an email is received, save any email attachments on that email to S3?


The main 3 questions I want to get out of this are:

  1. Is this possible?
  2. Is this reliable long-term?
  3. If the above are true, how do I set it up?

As the title shows, I want to monitor my email address. I have a 365 Outlook account which is hosted on Microsoft Exchange. Whenever an email is received, I want to store the attachment of the email into S3 so that I can pass it to AWS Textract using Lambda. If this is not possible, I would like to store the entire email in S3 and then use Lambda to parse for the attachment information and send that to AWS Textract.

From AWS documentation, I have assumed I will use AWS SES, but am unsure. WorkMail does not sound like the correct service for this.

I would like some reassurance on if this is a reliable way to get email attachments or if this is even the right service to do this on or if I am better off using a third-party source.

Thank you in advance for anyone who can help with this, I really appreciate it.

1 Answer

I believe it is possible to store emails received by Amazon SES in S3.
This can be done using the methods described below.

profile picture
answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you for the response!

    Ok, so it seems that works for storing all incoming emails. However, does this work for storing only email attachments or does the entire email have to be saved?

    And if you cannot store email attachments directly, how would one pull the email attachments out of the S3 bucket object? This use case does not work for me unless I can programmatically send the attachments to Textract.

  • Save all e-mails to S3.
    The following blog is in Japanese but matches what you want to do.

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