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I understand that you are trying to connect to Athena from Tableau desktop using domain user credentials( Access key ID & secret access key). and getting the below error message +++++ An error occurred while communicating with Amazon Athena Bad Connection: Tableau could not connect to the data source. Error Code: AA76601F com/amazonaws/auth/AWSCredentialsProvider Unable to connect to the Amazon Athena server "athena.us-west-2.amazonaws.com". Check that the server is running and that you have access privileges to the requested database. +++++
Usually this error could occur due to any one of the following reasons .
Unable to reach to Athena public endpoints.
Missing permissions.
Connected VPN on Desktop not allowing Athena endpoint.
Ports blocked (Athena uses 443 and 444 port)
Installed Athena JDBC Driver related issues
You can test connectivity from the host where your tableau desktop is located and check the connectivity between the host and Athena.
++++++ telnet athena.us-east-1.amazonaws.com 443 telnet athena.us-east-1.amazonaws.com 444 ++++++
If you are able to connect, then the networking aspect does not seem to be causing the problem [1].
check the permission related issues ++++++ Please make sure that IAM user has the required permissions. Regarding permissions related issues, I would recommend you to once login to AWS console using your IAM user credentials (which you're going to use in Tableau) and access the Athena query section to test if the permissions are working fine. +++++++
In case VPN used in Tableau Desktop, try connecting without VPN and with VPN and see if it worked for any case
When connecting to Athena, using either a public or private endpoint, both port 443 and 444 need to be open [1]. Athena uses port 443 to connect to the host, and Athena's streaming API uses port 444 to stream query results. The Tableau documentation for Amazon Athena also notes that port 443 and 444 need to be open [2]. Please check if you have both the ports open and added in the security group.
5. If connection and IAM role is working fine and still facing same issue, To rule out any issues with the JDBC driver, kindly enable debug logs in the Athena JDBC driver, retry the connection, and then verify with the output of the logs to get more details about the error. Please see AWS resource [3] to enable debug logs.
There are few references that will be helpful to troubleshoot the errors related to connectivity, please go through them.
[1] How can I troubleshoot the error "An error occurred while communicating with Amazon Athena" when connecting to Amazon Athena with a JDBC/ODBC driver? https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/athena-connection-timeout-jdbc-odbc-driver/
[2] - Using Athena with the JDBC Driver https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/connect-with-jdbc.html
[3] Enable debug logs in my Athena JDBC/ODBC driver https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/athena-jdbc-odbc-driver-enable-logs/
+++++ Prerequisites to connect Tableau to Athena https://tarsolutions.co.uk/blog/connect-to-athena-from-tableau/ - 3rd party blog
Amazon Athena: Before you begin https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/examples_amazonathena.htm - 3rd party blog +++++
Hello, I tried checking about the details related to the DSM tool ( Disk share management tool) but couldn't find anything concrete in the web. If that's a tool similar to Idp access using okta plugin then currently athena supports authentication to jdbc and odbc only via these provided methods as mentioned in the documentation. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/athena/latest/ug/athena-bi-tools-jdbc-odbc.html
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- AWS OFFICIALUpdated a year ago
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Here domain user means , I created user through DSM tool ( Disk share management tool) and it has admin access. After connecting amazon web console with DSM user , able to access Athena and Query data without any error. but when I try to connect amazon Athena from Tableau desktop with this DSM user ( not IAM user, cannot see under IAM - Users) Access key id, Secret access key getting above error. I have gone through AWS documents and other 3rd party documents also, I don't find any info related to DSM tool user , found only IAM user only. Is it possible to connect amazon Athena from local tableau desktop through DSM tool user?