Does AWS Marketplace provide us with SSL Certifacte and domain if we want to publish our app in aws marketplace?


We are planning to publish our application on the AWS Marketplace, and the type of offer listing is ISV. We have pushed the Docker image to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) and deployed it on an Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) Fargate instance. Additionally, we have integrated an Application Load Balancer (ALB) into our setup. I want to route the ALB to HTTPS instead of HTTP. I wanted to understand if the marketplace provides the seller that is us with certificate and domain or does the customer who is buying the app needs to bring their own domain and certificate ?

1 Answer


The following page provides the right guidance:

Using your own website
Your SaaS product is hosted in your environment and it must be accessed over 
the internet through a public endpoint that you manage and maintain, like a website.
Typically, you have a website that customers use to register for your product, sign in to 
use the product, and access support for your product.

You are quite free by design of Marketplace to do what you want at the technical and architecture levels including manage certificates (via AWS Certificate Management service) and DNS (via AWS Route 53) as the application resides in your account(s) and is operated by your team.



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • I don't want to manage any underlying infrastructure. I am still little confused on what you are talking about, not exactly sure. So, I want to publish my application in the AWS Marketplace. Usually in my instance, I am able to access my app via the Load Balancer URL over HTTP. But when I am publishing it, I want to do it over HTTPS. Does AWS provide with an URL? or How does it work?

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