Account is denied access to create Glue crawler


I am using an IAM role AWSGlueServiceRole created in AWS Glue and tried to create the crwaler to run on S3 source. The error I get is

The following crawler failed to create: "abc" Here is the most recent error message: Account XXX is denied access.

Also tried with another role that I created with below policies. But still get the same error.

AmazonS3FullAccess AWSGlueServiceRole AdministratorAccess AWSGlueConsoleFullAccess AWSGlueSchemaRegistryFullAccess AWSGlueDataBrewServiceRole

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  • Hi,

    I also faced this issue, reason as below

    1. Check your payment options are updated in AWS account in Payment preference tab.
    2. Your password reset recently as per compliance.
    3. If above both are correctly set up then raise support ticket in system as AWS support team only can help to identify SCP is configure correctly or not. May be some vulnerability in your account due to that AWS stop Glue service for you. I hope this will help you to resolve your problem. Thanks Rajkumar
4 Answers

Same issue here

profile picture
answered 8 months ago
  • Have you found the solution?

  • I arose a support ticket and they did their magic. Now I'm able to create crawlers


Are you using AWS Organizations and a member account under the Organization? Check if your Organization restricts Glue crawler creation. AWS Organization can overwrite any AdministratorAccess using Service control policies (SCPs). Its possible that some SCPs deny you access. SCPs affect all users and roles in attached accounts, including the root user. **Reference: **

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago


It does not seems like Glue related issue. This seems like some account level problem. I believe if you try to access other service you will face the same issue. I would suggest reach out to AWS Support to check if anything is blocked from account level.

answered 2 years ago

I've followed all the advice given here, but still getting the same error. How did you solve the issue @rePost-User-1592616?

answered a year ago

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