AWS BackUp - Organisation and Resource Selection


I am struggling getting my head around AWS BackUp in particular for controlling the backups from the management account.

My use case is quite simple I would have thought

(1) Two accounts in the AWS Organisation, one defined as the management account (2) I want to back up ALL ec2 instances in both accounts across ALL regions with some ec2 instances with the tag "no-backup" being excluded.

I am following along

However, when I am getting to the Create BackUp Policy it seems the only way to do resource selection is by tag allocation? Even though for BackUp Plans you can specify all ec2 resources and a exclude tag.

Is this correct?

asked 2 months ago185 views
2 Answers


I'd strongly recommend you to read this WP (one of the best by AWS from my standpoint):

I suggest to read all what's related to Backup account in this document: it's close to what you want to achieve.

On your specific question, this page details fully how resource assignment is achieved:



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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

To manage resource backups effectively in AWS, using tags such as Backup: True and Backup: False can be very useful. This approach allows you to selectively include or exclude resources based on their tags. Here’s a summary of how to implement this using AWS Backup policies, referencing the provided AWS documentation: -

answered 2 months ago
  • I'd rather not have to manually manage new tags for all new ec2 instances and instead use existing logic if it is possible.

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