Device Defender says "Policy allows broad access to IoT data plane actions"


I turned on Device Defender in IoT services. I chose the standard/default configuration.

The report says I passed all the tests except "IoT policy overly permissive". The detail says "Policy allows broad access to IoT data plane actions".

I don't understand the issue. The policy I created allows iot:Connect, iot:Publish, iot:Subscribe and iot:Receive, and nothing else. I need all of these functions. Why does it think I'm being overly permissive?

1 Answer

Hi Frank. I would guess the Resource fields are wildcards. In general, you should try to use policy variables to make least privilege Resource definitions. Some guidance here:

profile pictureAWS
answered 8 months ago
  • Yes, the resource ends in a wildcard but I don't know why it would not. Perhaps I am not understanding what 'resources' the wildcard is selecting in this context. I can't think of any resource related to IoT that my devices should not be able to access.

  • The policy resource for each item says arn:aws:iot:us-east-1:[number]:*

  • Please check the examples in the link. You need to make resource specifiers that are more specific than what you currently have.

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