SSM Automation Document in State Manager error InvalidAutomationParameters


I'm getting an InvalidAutomationParameters error after running a State Manager Association that uses an SSM Automation Document. I am having the same issue with all SSM Automation Documents I'm trying, but currently trying the AWS-RestartEC2Instance Automation Document. I have no issues running the Automation manually. I have no issues creating the State Manager Association, providing both parameters AutomationAssumeRole and InstanceId (I'm using AWSServiceRoleForAmazonSSM and a valid running Instance). However, whenever I run the Association, it fails with InvalidAutomationParameters error. If anybody can get this running properly, please provide what options used when creating the association.

asked a year ago1175 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Execution:Simple execution
InstanceId:i-xxxxxxxxx (your instance id)
Specify schedule:On Schedule
Specify with:CRON/Rate expression
CRON/Rate expression:rate(30 minutes)


The execution is successful with this configuration.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thanks for your reply, I've done everything the same as your setup except for the AutomationAssumeRole and is still failing for me with the same error. AWS documentation and the note on the Create Association page say to use the service-linked role AWSServiceRoleForAmazonSSM. Looks like the SSMAutomationRole you are using is not built-in, can you please tell me what policies are attached to that role?

  • The AutomationAssumeRole is created using the procedure described in this document.
    The policy used is "AmazonSSMAutomationRole".

  • Thanks for the help. Creating a new role as described in the document got it working for me. The note on the Create Association page to use the service-linked role AWSServiceRoleForAmazonSSM is what threw we off.

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