Getting charged for AWS Relational Database Service Backup Storage even after deleting Snapshots.


So I have deleted all my database snapshot from the Mumbai region and have no active RDS instance, still the Billing dashboard shows that I have an RDS Backup Service that is running and will be charged for(not now but in the future since its running). How do I disable this? I am currently exploring AWS services and got accidently charged for the above for the last month, so I want to know how to stop this.

4 Answers

Do you have any backup plan associated with RDS? Maybe check in AWS Backup


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answered a year ago

You need to delete the backup plan associated with your AWS account. Deleting the backup plan will stop the backup service from running and incurring charges in the future. Be sure to check your AWS billing dashboard in subsequent months to ensure no further charges from RDS Backup.

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answered 10 months ago

To second Syd's answer Check AWS backup side. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the AWS Backup console at

answered 10 months ago
  • Hey I went to backups and it shows no backup plans available for any service, any other solution?


Avi, If you look in your billing console Bills-->Charges By Service-->Service Name="Backup" Do you see additional detail on type of backup and region

answered 10 months ago

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