How to use ATECC608A with SIMCOM7600 to Connect MQTT(S) AWS IOT?


I would like to know if the ECC608 and SIMCOM7600 can be used together. I intend to use a certificate from the ECC608 and have the SIMCOM7600 communicate with AWS IoT Core via MQTT(S), with the board I’m using being the Arduino MKR ZERO.

I tried to read the Private Key but was unable to do so because the ECC608 stores the Private Key.

asked 24 days ago53 views
1 Answer

Hi. I'm not familiar with SIMCOM7600. However, from a quick investigation, it seems you have to pass the private key as a clear text string in an AT command. To use the ATECC608A, cryptographic operations should be performed on the device, such that the private key never leaves it. So to use them together, SIMCOM7600 needs to support PKCS#11 for its TLS operations.

profile pictureAWS
answered 23 days ago

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