How would I train a new version of custom entity recognizer when adding a new entity?


I have a custom entity recognizer using Comprehend, which I have trained by doing PDF annotations for 10 entities through Sagemaker. I now want to train a new version to add one more entity, but all of the previous 10 entities also appear on all of the new pages I want to label. Does this mean I have to label all 11 labels when doing PDF annotations for the new version?

1 Answer

Until comprehend exposes a feature where it allows the users to expand the entities for a given model by just providing annotations for the additional entities , you'd have to annotate all 11 entities on the document to get optimal performance . In the interim , however I'd suggest you to use the already trained model (on 10 entities) to annotate the document for the existing 10 entities, and then you'd to have just annotate for the new entity .

answered 2 years ago
  • I see, thank you! How would I go about using the trained model to annotate the document? How would I then pass this into the sagemaker ground truth job?

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