I'm successfully using other AWS products for static website hosting and now trying to use better practices by introducing myself to CodeCatalyst with the Free Tier of the product.
So I selected the "Static website" from the list of well-architected blueprints and ran it with the default settings, which gives me a Hugo installation I can look at via Cloud9. However, when I run the deployment although it's announced as "Successful" I can't figure out where the deployment artifacts are supposed to have shown up.
The blueprint-created workflow contains a "Deploy" section derived from "codecatalyst-labs/deploy-to-amplify-hosting@v1" but when I go to Amplify in the AWS Console there aren't any objects. I actually want to use CodeCatalyst with an S3 sit anyways, so I modified the workflow and added the S3 publish action and connected it to the bucket of an existing static site I've got working as the deploy target;. However, when I run the CodeCatalyst workflow it's actually the Hugo sample site source code that is deposited in the bucket, rather than build artifacts.
So before I continue with trying to get this working, I wanted to ask, since I've noticed a few other odd symptoms—has anyone else successfully used this blueprint? Would I maybe be better off starting over from scratch?