Implementing DRM on Video on Demand Solutions on AWS


I have implemented Video on Demand solutions in production for quite some time now and a number of videos running. While in the initial development we don't have a requirement for DRM, we enable the AWS Elemental MediaPackage to anticipate the future requirements for DRM.

The description says

With this solution, you can also choose to use AWS Elemental MediaPackage for packaging content into different formats and to apply digital rights management (DRM)

However, there is no guidance on the DRM in the Implementation Guide. I would like to implement DRM on the existing solutions, what do I need to do next?

2 Answers

Aws MediaConvert and MediaPackage have the possibility to manage external DRM ( not provided by themselves). you can easily able DRM encryption and insert the External DRM parameter like ID , Key and URL. Here one example : Here a step by step guide with a specific DRM :

answered 3 years ago

First, you'll need to choose a SPEKE-compliant DRM key provider. If you don't want to run your own, you could go with a third-party service like Verimatrix, BuyDRM, or Irdeto. They'll give you the key server URL and other credentials you'll need. A third-party service will usually stay on top of any changes or updates in the DRM landscape as well.

In your MediaPackage console, you'll want to create a new packaging configuration. When you do this, you'll see an option for encryption. Enable encryption and choose the encryption method. You'll typically want to select "Sample-AES" for HLS or "SAMPLE-AES-CTR" for DASH.

You'll need to input the details from your key provider. This includes the URL of the key server and any authentication details they've given you. You'll also need to specify which DRM systems you want to use - Widevine (Google), PlayReady (Microsoft), FairPlay (Apple), or some combination. Once that's set up, create your MediaPackage endpoints using this packaging configuration so MediaPackage requests keys from your DRM provider whenever it needs to package content. Finally, you'll need to make sure your video player on the client side is set up to handle the DRM.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 months ago

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