File Share stuck in "Force Deleting" state



I've got a fileshare that has been stuck in "force-deleting" state for about 5 days now.

At first it was stuck in "deleting" state so I followed the instructions in article to force-delete it but this hasn't helped and now it's stuck in "force-deleting" state.

Any help would be appreciated...

asked 3 years ago805 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


I'm Mike with the Storage Gateway team. Let me see if I can assist you.

Looking at the storage gateway appliances associated to your AWS account, it shows me that the gateway is in an "offline" state. The share cannot be deleted (even with force-deleting) if the gateway is unavailable or offline.

Often, this offline state can occur if the SGW virtual machine has been deleted before the shares are deleted. Is this your situation possibly? If so, you can skip the step of deleting the share and simply delete the storage gateway from the console entirely.

If you do have the VM still, you can turn it back on or troubleshoot why it has lost connectivity to AWS. Once back online, you should be able to delete the share without issue.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist.

answered 3 years ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

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