AWS Rekognition Detect Eyes And Direction


Can Rekognition be used to find out where a face is looking (which direction the eyes are pointed to)? What about being able to tell only one eye is present in an image (someones face is turned to the side)?

Edited by: AGMarasco on Jun 24, 2020 12:22 PM

asked 4 years ago721 views
2 Answers

Rekognition does not provide any functionality to detect the direciton of the eye.
Rekognition detects the eye open as an attribute which could be useful.

Regarding face turned to side, Pose attribute from face detection API could be used.

answered 4 years ago

Amazon Rekognition is capable of detecting faces from different perspectives and giving you the bounding of all the faces in an image. But Amazon Rekognition is unable to do such a detailed analysis of the eyes, in that case I recommend you develop your own algorithm

profile picture
answered 2 years ago

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