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AS2 Connector, can I receive a X12 EDI 997 ASK?


Hi All,

We set a connector to send files to a partner, I would like to know if we can get X12 EDI 997 ASK message and were is placed, in our s3 bucket only see failed, processed and processing folders, but no X12 EDI 997 ASK message.

Did anyone configured AS2 connectors and get a ASK X12 EDI 997?

Thank you Matias

asked 2 months ago56 views
1 Answer

Hello, Matias. Could you confirm that you are sending X12 EDI transactions outbound to your partner using AS2 connectors and that you're looking to receive a X12 997 acknowledgement in response? If so, you can setup an AS2 server to receive the 997 acknowledgments. You would configure your AS2 server to accept messages from the partner and share the endpoint details with them. Then your partner can return the 997 acknowledgements to your AS2 server endpoint, which will automatically upload the acknowledgements into an S3 location of your choosing. More details on how to configure an AS2 server (and AS2 agreements) can be found in our documentation here.

answered 2 months ago

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