Limits for S3 Static Website Hosting


My team is using an S3 bucket's static website feature to host a site, also making use of the redirection rules for that website. We know of the limits of direct S3 access (, but we aren't sure if the static web hosting feature imposes different limits.

Does anyone know if using static web hosting imposes limits beyond basic S3's limits?

asked a year ago909 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi, S3 documentaion will give you lots of interesting info about static S3 hosting

Each S3 object can be zero bytes to 5 TB in file size, and there’s no limit to the number of Amazon S3 objects you can store.

For all of it, see

You shouldn't reach any throughput limitation:

Amazon S3 gives you access to the same highly scalable, reliable, fast, and inexpensive infrastructure that Amazon uses to run its own global network of websites.

But, you can add CloudFront (also to improve latency for users far away from the bucket of your region. See

Indeed, it is recommended to read the full wp, from which the pages above come.

Best, Didier

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