Account blocked / http 400 error


I Am a student with Saint Martins University, currently going through the Aws management console learning. I was out of class for a week and now I’m back trying to continue with class and it says my account is blocked. I can’t launch any instances nor create anything without it saying my account is blocked. What is the next steps ?

asked a year ago287 views
1 Answer

Do you login to AWS Console with a username & password (& MFA)? Or does your university login credentials automatically log you with single-sign-on in as a federated user in Active Directory (or whatever identity provider is used at your site).

If it's the latter there may be something locally that's changed. You were away for a week, so has a password expired or an account become locked?

If it's the former, and this really is your account with no relation to your university, then contact AWS directly and they can help you out. If you can't even login to the console to raise a support ticket then try this

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answered a year ago

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