AWS Simple Email Service is still sending emails to addresses on suppression list


I have added an email address to the account level suppression list because a customer marked a transaction email as spam. Customer uses hotmail.

Added on: June 29, 2023 at 13:07 (UTC+02:00)

Our system sends tracking details in late afternoon. I thought that emails on the suppression list are blocked, but the customer received the email with tracking details and marked it again as spam. We received a second complaint on Thu, 29 Jun 23 18:08:49 UTC.

As far as I can see, our complaint rate has not gone higher for the second complaint.

Anyway, why did the customer receive another email even though his address is blocked?

Thanks Chris

asked a year ago509 views
2 Answers

Hi Chris.

Per the Amazon SES Account-level suppression list considerations this shouldn't have happened:

If you attempt to send a message to an address that's on your account-level suppression list, SES accepts the message, but doesn't send it.

At the same time, please confirm you are using account-level suppression list and not global suppression list. This is because in the same document it states:

If an address is on the global suppression list, but not on your account level suppression list (which means you want to send to it), and you do send to it, SES will still attempt delivery; however, if it bounces, it still counts toward the bounce rate for your account and toward your daily sending quota.

Now, it may be an issue of having all the backend updated. Can you tell me how much time has passed between adding the email address to the suppression list and email being sent?

Without knowing how you are sending your emails, you should avoid sending emails deliberately to email addresses in your suppression list. If you are coding your own system to deliver the emails, try to read the list of email addresses in the suppression list and use this information to prevent sending them emails.

I hope this helps.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

Hi Jose.

Today, I received the third complaint from the same customer. I don't know what's going on with him. He is just marking our transactional emails as spam. Don't know why he is doing this. His email address is clearly on the account level suppression list since June 29, 2023.

Account Level Suppresion list

I have never had any problems since using SES. I will check if I can add the email addresses to my email system. But I am angry that SES does not filter the addresses on the suppression list.

I can send you the message ID, if you can do something.

Thanks Chris

answered a year ago
  • Hello Chris. I think the best option right now is to open a support case with AWS Support. They would have the tools to investigate why this is happening. With that said, something that comes to mind is, is this email address defined in the suppression list defined with the same casing as in the system sending the email? I don't remember exactly if this has any effect but please check that. Also, per my previous answer:

    Without knowing how you are sending your emails, you should avoid sending emails deliberately to email addresses in your suppression list. If you are coding your own system to deliver the emails, try to read the list of email addresses in the suppression list and use this information to prevent sending them emails.

    I hope this helps.

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