AWS DMS Replication task - Table in error - Setup notification


Hi, Is there a way to setup a notification for an AWS DMS replication task for a table that gets into a failed error state. e.g. I have event notifications setup on the replication task level, however in the scenario where the replication task ongoing is running, however it is just one table in error. I have not found a way to setup a notification. Yes I can do on the replication task level. But not on the table level if this makes sense. Any advise would be appreciated. ty

asked 9 months ago470 views
1 Answer


Currently, there is no direct mechanism available to get notified on a set of tables getting failed while using AWS DMS. Such notifications can only be configured for the entire task level failures. As such, you can use the following event category to create a notification in an event of a failed DMS task which includes all migration types.

CategoryDMS Event IDDescription
FailureDMS-EVENT-0078The replication task has failed.

More details below for the list of supported event categories can be found below:


You can workaround this by changing Error Handling Task Settings (depend on the type of failure) from SUSPEND_TABLE (which lead to suspend the table and flip DMS task state to error) to STOP_TASK which will stop the whole DMS task if an error occurred, however we don't recommend this workaround as it will impact the whole DMS task even when only 1 table is impacted.

More details about "Error Handling Task Settings " here [+] :


answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

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