IoT Events with Firehose Action


I'm trying to use IoT Events Alarm actions with custom payload and Firehose as action target. When i look into the documentation i can't find any example of the syntax required to write a custom payload and searching in different forums is not helping.

I'm trying to send a custom payload with the following content.

  "assetId": <sitewise asset identifier>,
  "inputValue": <input value that triggered the alarm>,
  "state": <state of the alarm>

This JSON is an example and could be changed but the assetId is one of the primary fields i need.

Thank you!.

1 Answer

Payload uses Content expressions which can be used in the format specified Here:

The content of the payload. You can use a string expression that includes quoted strings ('<string>'), variables ($variable.<variable-name>), input values ($input.<input-name>.<path-to-datum>), string concatenations, and quoted strings that contain ${} as the content. The recommended maximum size of a content expression is 1 KB

For further assistance on exact syntax and expression, please do reach out to AWS Support with your Alarm model definition and asset model definition and share this post for further assistance.

answered a year ago

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