Flexmatch MatchmakingFailed with "reason": "PLACING_FAILED"


My Flexmatch "GameLift Matchmaking Event" is giving an error that says "MatchmakingFailed" and reason is "PLACING_FAILED" with the following message that says "Game session reservation has failed post-processing." According to this documentation https://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/latest/flexmatchguide/match-events.html#match-events-matchmakingfailed "MatchmakingFailed" happens with reason "UNEXPECTED_ERROR" with message "An unexpected error was encountered during match placing."

I cant find any info with others having the same kind of issue i'm having which is why i'm writing this. I configured matchmaking config FlexMatch mode to "Managed" with my basic ruleset of EXAMPLE 1 from this website https://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/latest/flexmatchguide/match-examples.html with a min and max players from both teams to 1 so each game session should have max 2 players. I've also set my queues Destination Order to my Fleet and went through the matchmaking process. When it came time to create the game session, Ive encountered my error. I checked the game session logs from my fleet to see if any were created and it showed 4 game sessions-id created (gamesessionid, gamesessionid-1, gamesessionid-2, gamesessionid-3) with a status of "Error" with it. I noticed that the game sessions-id doesn’t start with the ”gsess-“ like what it usually does. The order of it goes MatchmakingSearching, PotentialMatchCreated, MatchmakingFailed.

So why does one "start matchmaking" session create 4 status error game session-ids without its “gsess-” prefix? and how does one go about fixing this? Anyways, any help would be appreciated.


asked a month ago94 views
1 Answer

The "MatchmakingFailed" event occurs when there is any sort of terminal error for a matchmaking ticket. The example on https://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/latest/flexmatchguide/match-events.html#match-events-matchmakingfailed shows a potential error for "UNEXPECTED_ERROR", but another error like the "PLACING_FAILED" that you observed is also a valid failure reason.

The flow that you observed of MatchmakingSearching, PotentialMatchCreated, MatchmakingFailed suggests that a match was created with a placement attempting to be made onto your fleet. However, the game server failed to mark the game session as active and went into Error. This suggests that there is an issue with the game server code that needs to be addressed. I recommend you to look closer at your game session logs that are showing "Error" to find and fix whatever is causing the error.

answered 25 days ago

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