Hi Team,

I have done some Assessment reports for SQL server to RDS SQL Server and in reports everything is green but when iam connected to Target and applied the database to RDS SQL server, i am getting errors for indexes and constraints.

but again, source and target syntax are same

Reffar attachment.

Can i ignore these errors because i am migrating SQL server to RDS SQL server, just i am assuming that no difference between this two for databases (maybe we can find some features not exists in RDS)

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asked a year ago437 views
1 Answer

It's possible that the differences in the errors you're seeing between the source and target databases are related to differences in the database engines or versions. Even though SQL Server and RDS SQL Server are similar, there can still be slight differences in syntax or features that could cause errors during migration.

I would recommend investigating each error individually to determine the cause and whether it can be safely ignored. In some cases, the errors may be related to differences in collation, data types, or other settings between the source and target databases.

AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) can help you identify and resolve issues related to database migration. You can use SCT to assess and convert your databases to the target format, and it can also provide recommendations for resolving issues and errors that are detected during the migration process.

I would also recommend testing the migrated databases thoroughly to ensure that all data and functionality has been successfully transferred to the new environment.

answered a year ago
  • Thanks Hash,

    I have created the database in RDS and 90% of the syntax was removed but one or two errors were there (XML datatypes) but, where I did the assessments for SQL server everything was in green(100% auto-converted) but here I can see the errors. why this error or warning did not come in the assessment report?

    Please share if you have any datatypes which are not supported in was rds SQL server from SQL server.

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