Keyspaces max WCU for partition when deleting data with queries


Suppose I have table that are storing records of size 100KB each. I would like to remove these records with DELETE query. Does max WCU for partition equal 1000 WCU/second apply to DELETE? So I can remove 10 objects per second if they are in same partition?

If so, how to approach to rate limiting this if I don't know size of rows stored in table. Should I move towards retrying operations with long pausing between?

asked 2 years ago374 views
1 Answer


Firstly, Amazon Keyspaces charges you for the reads and writes that you perform on your tables in terms of read request units (RRUs) and write request units (WRUs). [1]

Secondly, one WRU represents one write for a row up to 1 KB in size. If you need to write a row that is larger than 1 KB, the write operation uses additional WRUs. The total number of WRUs required depends on the row size. For example, if your row size is 2 KB, you require 2 WRUs to perform one write request. Also, one WCU represents one write per second for a row up to 1 KB in size. If you need to write a row that is larger than 1 KB, the write operation uses additional WCUs.

The gist here is that the delete operations are considered write operations so they will consume WriteRequestUnits (WRUs) for On-Demand tables and WriteCapacityUnits (WCUs) for Provisioned tables. Hence, a record of 100 KB will require 100 WCU to sustain 1 write request per second.

In regards to partition (which have a throughput limit of 3,000 RCUs or 1,000 WCUs), if all the 100 KB records were stored on a single partition, you could delete 10 records per second, consuming 1000 WCU per second and not exceed the partition limit.

Additionally, please refer to the following documentation [2][3] for understanding rate limit approaches.

Please let us know if this resolves your issue. If you need assistance with further troubleshooting, please open a support case and we'll be glad to assist!





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answered 2 years ago

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