can't receive emails on work accounts


I am unable to receive emails, but can sent them. I have checked and reentered the MX records, waiting over 72 hours, but still nothing. Account is not suspended, domain is still active. What else can I do to fix this?

2 Answers

I would suggest creating a support ticket to troubleshoot this issue. However, one think to check is to ensure that you can resolve the MX records publicly. If so, definitely check in with the support team.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago


I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing problems with receiving mail. There are a things you can verify to ensure your incoming mail is working correctly.

First verify that you MX record only contains references to WorkMail. No other services are listed and if there are make sure these have a lower priority than WorkMail (higher number).

Secondly you can check the AWS SES console to verify that your inbound rules are correct. Verify that the active rule contains a WorkMail action and if there are other actions listed ensure they work.

If that is all correct, do you receive bounce messages when sending to your email address? If you do these can also contain hints on why the delivery fails.

Kind regards, Robin

answered 3 years ago

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