ALB HTTP/2 streaming support to the targets


Enter image description here I wonder what the above sentence means. (Source: ALB user guide) Does this means that stream multiplexing & prioritization are not supported between ALB and targets? Thanks in advance.

asked 6 months ago513 views
1 Answer
  • ALB HTTP/2 streaming support to the targets refers to how ALB handles HTTP/2 streams between clients and the targets.
  • ALB supports HTTP/2 for client connections but converts the requests to HTTP/1.1 when forwarding to the targets. This means:
  • Stream multiplexing and prioritization available in HTTP/2 are not preserved when ALB sends requests to the targets.
  • Each HTTP/2 stream from the client will be sent as a separate HTTP/1.1 request to the targets.

So while clients can benefit from HTTP/2 features with ALB, the targets will only see independent HTTP/1.1 requests without knowledge of the original HTTP/2 stream structure. This is by design as not all targets may support or require HTTP/2.

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answered 6 months ago
  • Thank you for answer. However, I think your answer describes the case when target group protocol version is HTTP/1.1. According to the documentation, if target group protocol version is HTTP/2 and clients send requests over HTTP/2, targets will receive HTTP/2 requests.

    In this case, what would be the meaning of the statement "The load balancer does not support streaming to the targets." ?

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