Need a recommendation for a webserver service


I am not familiar with servers or webhosting and wanted a preconfigured server if possible.

I want to setup and make the following work: A persistent windows-based webserver (mainly that won't block API calls) to test my html page's functionality as I make changes.

I also want to run stable diffusion on the same server locally for testing so it will need a dedicated nVidia video card and least 20GB of storage space.

Roughly 10gb for Stable Diffusion, and some space to temporarily store small video, image, and audio files that are being created and manipulated.

I will be connecting on/off at night to work on the project and may have a few other developers occasionally logging in server side. The usage of the website itself should be no more than 5 people at a time and any data used will be in small spurts.

asked 2 years ago256 views
1 Answer

Hi, @Nathan Trimble.

I recommend using an IaaS compute instance such as Amazon EC2.
Because your requirements are complex.

In addition, Amazon WorkSpaces can be adopted for applications where multiple people connect and use it as a development client.

I think most of your requirements can be covered with EC2 instances.
Only some instance types support nVidia. (P4d, G4)

However, these GPU instances are very expensive for normal scenarios.
For development or staging use, I would also suggest dropping the requirements and picking something smaller.

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answered 2 years ago

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