Keep getting network error trying to sign up to AWS DeepRacer student


Hey there, I keep getting a network error every time I try to sign up to the DeepRacer Student. I tried using my school email, then my was email. I tried logging in with my school email too, and my AWS Educate credentials and so on. I then even set up multi-user access for deep racers but it still didn't work. I keep getting a network error response every time I try to sign up or login in. I don't know what to do and I would be really grateful for some support. Thank you. edit: just saw that it's the same for AWS BugBust, when I try to sign up or login it gives a network error too.

  • Hello! Please provide the full text of the error message you are receiving. Are you using a virtual private network (VPN)? (If so, try signing up again after disconnecting.) Also, when exactly are you seeing this issue? Are you able to open the website, fill in the sign-up info, and receive the error message when you select the sign-up button, or do you receive it when you are doing something else? It's also helpful to know what internet browser you are using and what country you are signing in from. Thanks!

  • Thank you for the reply, the problem is solved after I tried going on my phone and using mobile data! That tip helped thank you very much!

asked 3 years ago566 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

There are no specific network requirements for using an AWS DeepRacer student account as it's just a version of the standard AWS DeepRacer console, so can you provide the full error message, along with any other useful / relevant details - thanks.

Also as an alternative if your school is signed up to use AWS Academy and you have an active account provisioned - you should be able to get the details you need from your school / University and they would also be the best people to speak to about your account (if they are unsure what the issue is then they can also raise a support request) you could use that instead. Good luck with the racing.

answered 3 years ago
  • Hey there, thank you for the reply! It only says "Network Error", whether I'm trying to register or log in.

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