About the device.json file question


Here is the original device.json file content. We have some data that don't know how to fill it out. Please help to check the picture for our questions. ThanksDevice.json

  • could you please paste the json file instead of the screen shot because it will be easy to analyse your doubt by doing that

asked 24 days ago99 views
1 Answer

To answer your questions:

  • <pool-id> it's a name you decide
  • <device-id> it's a name you decide
  • operatingSystem, yes if you're using linux then the value should be set to "Linux"
  • publicKeyPath, this is optional this is the public ssh key for the device you're testing
  • method, yes if you're using "password" remove pki
  • user, that's the use name of the device you're testing
  • privKeyPath, you don't need this if you're using password as the authentication method

If you have anymore questions please ask.

You can refer to this page to understand what eachconfig field is asking for: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/greengrass/v2/developerguide/set-config.html

This page shows how some of the id config values are used: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/greengrass/v2/developerguide/run-tests.html

answered 24 days ago
profile picture
reviewed 22 days ago
  • <pool-id> it's a name you decide ==> Where can find this id in AWS account? <device-id> it's a name you decide ==> Where can find this id in AWS account?

  • You can put any string value you want here.

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