AMAZON managed Grafana - Canvas background



I have been trying to use canvas and change the background. As I see, there are two options, either use pre-available images or url. however, it is impossible to use url, since the url uses the directory of img/bg where we don't have access to use it? the question is, how to use our own images as url as the background of canvas? it does not work with any public url/format.

asked 4 months ago157 views
1 Answer

Try using S3

aws s3 cp background.png s3://my-grafana-images/background.png
aws s3api put-object-acl --bucket my-grafana-images --key background.png --acl public-read

The public URL of your image will be:

profile picture
answered 4 months ago
  • I did it already, it gives this error: Refused to load https://my-imagesxxxxx.png because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.

  • Did anyone ever find a solution to this? I have tried S3 above and this does not seem to work.

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