Add Diners Club Credit Card Payment support


Please Add Dienrs Club Credit Card as an available Payment Method.
I am AWS user from India and use Diners Club Card due to zero Forex Conversion Markup , but AWS does not support it as a payment method.
Diners Club is growing and large Credit Card Network and India's largest Payment Network RuPay is also tied up with Diners/ Discover for International Payments.
Kindly add support for the same

asked 6 years ago642 views
1 Answer

Hi Ashwar,

Thanks for taking the time to share the feedback about your experience concerning this. I understand your reasoning behind your feedback and went ahead to share it with the relevant teams for their review and consideration as they look to make future changes.

While I cannot guarantee that a change will be made to the currently available payment methods, we always appreciate hearing what our customers think and if it leads to program changes or enhancements, we’ll inform you and the rest of our AWS community on our announcements page here:

Kind regards,
Craig E.

answered 6 years ago

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