Linux Ec2 with system check Failed , how to find the root cause.


Yesterday one of our ec2 was unreachable for about 30 minutes then the ec2 was rebooted (automatically??)) We see in cloudwatch the system check failed for this instance in that period of time , but how can we look for the root cause?Thank you

2 Answers

Hi, I find this knowledge base helpful in knowing the fundamental on EC2 system checks and maintenance life cycle:

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answered 11 days ago
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reviewed 10 days ago
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reviewed 11 days ago


If the EC2 instance failed with a 0/2 (system check) status, that falls under AWS's responsibility, and it might be due to an underlying hardware issue on their end.

If you want to find the root cause, first check the AWS Personal Health Dashboard (PHD) notifications. AWS might have sent the reason for the cause there. If you're not able to find anything, you can raise a support case with AWS Technical Support. They will share the root cause

[+] PHD:

[+]Technical Support:

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answered 11 days ago

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