Asking about party system in AWS


Hi everyone

I’m working on implementing the party system for our game since I am now done implementing basic matchmaking through Gamelift. I am wondering if AWS / GameLift has support for party invites. I have not found anything yet that indicates this is true. Of course, I can make a ChatService for party invitation which is handling real-time messages between users on an EC2 instance but ideally, I don’t want to develop the ChatService by myself. What I want is that after a party leader invites a new user to a party, the new user immediately recognizes that he was invited to the party somewhat real-time. Is a party invitation system of some sort present somewhere in AWS / GameLift?

Any help is appreciated.

asked 5 years ago284 views
4 Answers

Unfortunately, there is nothing pre-built here that I know of that solves your use case.

While its somewhat easy to build a party system for a specific game wofklow things can get complex for generalized cases esp wrt player identities and notifications (also plenty of spaces such as consoles or mobile where there are pre-existing components you may also need to integrate with).

So you'll probably need to roll your own based on top of whatever notification/chat mechanism you are using. If you are working with an AWS SA they can probably help assist with the design.

answered 5 years ago

Thank you very much and What is an AWS SA?

answered 5 years ago

Apologies for the jargon, by an SA I meant an AWS Solutions Architect.

Depending on your company size/support level you may be working with one already:

There are of course lots of other forums/ways of getting help with design.

answered 5 years ago

Oh.. I got it... Thank you very much!!!

answered 5 years ago

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