Cannot register to reserved instances marketplace as a seller


Hi folks,

My client has an EC2 reserved instance which we don't want anymore. So, I tried registering to the reserved instances marketplace as a seller to sell it. First, I entered the business name and US bank account details, but I closed the window on the third page which requested me to enter the US citizenship information as I had to ask my client.

Now that I want to do the registration steps again, the first and second steps go well but I face an error saying "An error occurred when we tried to process your request" on the third page.

I attached screenshots of all of the three steps may they help anybody figure out what's going on.

Any help would be highly appreciated as time is being passed for us without using that reserved instance.

Cheers, Habib

First step Second step Third step

asked 13 days ago37 views
2 Answers


The error "An error occurred when we tried to process your request" on the third page of the reserved instances marketplace registration process could be due to several reasons:

  • 1. Incomplete or Incorrect Information
  • 2. Technical Issues
  • 3. Account Restrictions or Limitations

A problem with the information you entered, like your business name, bank account details, or citizenship information. Double-check everything and try again. If it still doesn't work, try using a different browser or contact Amazon Web Services support for help.

Refer The given link:

profile picture
answered 13 days ago
  • Thanks for your time. For the support, can I create a case when I am on the basic support plan, or should I upgrade to something more?

  • You can definitely create a case with AWS support even if you're on the Basic Support Plan. While the level of support may vary compared to higher-tier plans, you can still expect assistance with general account and service inquiries.

  • Thanks a lot for the reply. I checked and I think I can only raise a billing issue with the basic support plan. For a technical one, I have to upgrade to upper plans. Don't I? If I am wrong, could you please let me know how I raise a case with the basic plan?


Thanks for the answer.

I checked a different browser and it didn't solve the problem. Going ahead for the support

answered 13 days ago

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