[SageMaker] [Canvas] - connecting to RDS / Postgres failed


New to SageMaker evalutating ML models. I have 2 domains each created with quick and custom setup. Each domain connects to 2 different VPCs, the quick setup is under staging-vpc and the custom domain is under prod-vpc. Each vpc has its own ec2 web-app and its rds database.

Note - The RDS databases have inbound rules on port 5432 from the web-app security group.

I am trying import data by connecting to postgres/sql database and getting an error. See image. Assuming the error could possibly be related to the inbound rules in RDS, and adding an inbound rule for sagemaker would work?

Error Message

asked 21 days ago586 views
1 Answer

Hi, thanks for reaching out with this question!

If you haven't done so already, follow the link on the error message to get some troubleshooting steps (linked again here for convenience). I also found this documentation for configuring a VPC to use with RDS, which might provide more guidance to your setup.

If these don't help and you are still blocked, please feel free to open a support case via AWS Console under Support Center so our engineers can deep dive with you. You'll need to share your AWS region, and which date you encountered this error. Thank you!

answered 21 days ago
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reviewed 14 days ago

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