How to configure elastic beanstalk environment with a load balancer to support blue/green deployments?


Hi! I've configured an environment in an elastic beanstalk application with an application load balancer so that I can configure a ssl certificate for that endpoint. The name of the load balancer is connected to my dns, which connects the hostname to this load balancer. However, as I've figured out now, this type of configuration does not support the blue/green deployment pattern, because creating a new environment will also create a new load balancer with a new host name. This would also require an update to my dns record - which I want to avoid.

I'm now searching for a load balancer in aws which I can connect to the ebs environment url so that the environment swapping mechanism will be possible. I've looked into a shared load balancer - which i.e. I can connect to an ebs environment. But that does not seem to be of help because swapping the environment url will not update the load balancer configuration (I assume, it doesn't let me select a url).

What aws load balancing service would allow me to simply point to an environment url and also support tls encryption?

asked 3 years ago1065 views
3 Answers

Ok, after some more research I realised that I was missing a SecurityRole in my configuration. Thanks for your help!

answered 3 years ago
  • Hi, I'm currently having the same issue, but what Security Role did you have to change to get this working?


I'm assuming you are not using Route53 for you DNS? Otherwise this is exactly what you can do with Blue/Green deployments and swapping environment URLs:

answered 3 years ago

No, I'm not using Route53 - we have our own dns service and use a cname entry to connect the domain to the aws endpoint, in my case the name of the load balancer that the ebs environment created.

answered 3 years ago

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