Win 10 instance - seems to have no internet connection



I am still having difficulties setting up a Win 10 instance on AWS (1st tries updating Win 7 to Win 10 beginning of this year, did not work and nobody on this forum was able to help :( ).

Before giving up and moving to Azure, i took a last try and did the update from Win 7 to Win 10 locally and uploaded the perfectly running image as VHD. The instance is starting, but could not be reached via team-viewer service nor the RDP connection. Looking at the screenshot of the instance via the portal, i see the system is up and running.

Security groups have been checked and also been adjusted to all/all for testing purposes.

@AWS-Support: If you have a chance, would be perfect if you could check if the instance i-0f03f394ea51be2c7 has a valid internet connection. As the team viewer service starts with the system and uses an outbound connection, it seems a connection is not possible from the system (system is not available on teamviewer portal)

Thank you in advance for your help.

Edited by: waynebrady81 on May 2, 2020 12:23 AM

asked 4 years ago311 views
1 Answer


The problem was solved by moving the VM to the Azure platform , where it worked perfectly (after converting the VHD from dynamical sizing to fixed size). I guess the AWS drivers for ethernet etc are not working on the VM.
This thread can be closed.

Just FYI: AzCopy does a great job moving/copying VM between AWS and Azure, so if you plan to do this, you should consider using it.

Thank you & BR

answered 4 years ago

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