flexMatch with only users from different factions


Hi, I would like to matchmaking only players with different factions. That is, in my game there will be 3 factions and each user will be linked to one of them. I don't want two users with the same faction to find the same game, but just with different factions. I would like to find some ideas for doing this in the gamelift matchmaking rule sets.

Thank you

asked a year ago218 views
1 Answer

Hello! This can be done by adding creating a player attribute for 'Faction', then adding a rule to your ruleset that compares factions looking for factions that are different. Here is a link to our example matchmaking rule sets, some of which have similar behavior to what you are looking for! https://docs.aws.amazon.com/gamelift/latest/flexmatchguide/match-examples.html

answered a year ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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