Lightsail launch script breaks instance


As per title, every lightsail instance created with a launch script are broken.

SSH will not set up correctly, even with my key I'll get denied, so I can't see where did it go wrong.

Is there a specific way to exit the script? Should I not include a shebang? If so, which shell is used during lightsail setup?

Here's what my script looks like:


exec &>> '/tmp/launch.log'

tmp_dir="$(mktemp -d)"
cd "$tmp_dir" || exit 1

## dnf install epel-release
## Install a bunch of other packages
## Also grabs configuation files
## Plus SELinux contexts

logger -t launch_log < '/tmp/launch.log'
asked 9 months ago394 views
2 Answers


I recommend that you create a snapshot of the root volume using the steps in the document below, mount it on a healthy Lightsail, and then check the system logs, etc.

Looking at the shell script, most of it is commented out, so it appears that no commands that affect SSH are executed.
Can I access it via a browser using the steps in the document below?

profile picture
answered 9 months ago


Your instance should be accessible using Lightsail Connect or terminal-based SSH and the SSH key selected during instance creation. If you can connect to your instance, you can view the execution output of the provided userdata script at /var/log/cloud-init-output.log to help with debugging.

If you cannot connect to your instance, I recommend creating a root volume snapshot and attaching it to a known working instance you can connect to and inspect the cloud-init output.

answered 9 months ago

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