Switch from credit card payment to invoice


Hi there!

I have a landing zone multi account environment, and I need to pay via invoice rather than credit card.

I have a credit card assigned as the default payment right now, how can I ensure that my accounts team can pay by invoice and not have the costs deducted from the credit card?

I have already set up my account team as the billing contact, so they are ready to pay the invoices once received. I just need to make sure they have time to pay them and that the credit card won't be charged instead / or result in a duplicate payment.

Thanks, Gavin

3 Answers

I noticed there is a good youtube video that goes through the steps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vupYEGnFDc

answered 10 months ago

I suggest reaching out to your account team (account manager) with this request. If you don't know who's your AWS account manager, you can open a request here: https://aws.amazon.com/contact-us/

Alternatively, open a billing support case from your Management Payer account, and the support team will be able to provide you more information regarding this.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Go to the AWS Billing and Cost Management console.

Click on "Payment Methods" in the left-hand navigation menu.

Click on the "Edit" button next to the credit card that is currently assigned as the default payment method.

Change the default payment method to "Invoice."

Confirm the change by clicking on "Save changes."

Contact AWS support to request that they disable the automatic charge feature on your account to prevent the credit card from being charged automatically.

Make sure to provide your account information and the reason for the request.

Once your request is processed, your account team will receive invoices from AWS for payment.

They can then pay the invoices by the due date provided on the invoice.

answered 2 years ago

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