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What are the AWS IoT Core Greengrass components RAM size recommendations?



The developper guide states that a minimum of 96 MB RAM is required for the AWS IoT Greengrass Core software, but this does not include the components that run on the core device. The RAM requirements for the following components are not specified:

  • aws.greengrass.clientdevices.Auth
  • aws.greengrass.clientdevices.mqtt.Moquette
  • aws.greengrass.clientdevices.mqtt.Bridge
  • aws.greengrass.Cli
  • aws.greengrass.ShadowManager
  • aws.greengrass.clientdevices.IPDetector
  • aws.greengrass.crypto.Pkcs11Provider

The purpose is to use Greengrass as an MQTT gateway and determine the necessary hardware accordingly.

Thank you for your answer.

asked 9 months ago217 views
1 Answer


Thank you for your interest in Greengrass. The RAM usage for these components is not published as it depends very heavily on your actual use case when using these components, particularly the MQTT related components. I would expect that this set of components and the Nucleus would require approximately 250MB of RAM and you can control the maximum usage by setting the jvmOptions in the Nucleus configuration. If you set the maximum Java heap size too low, this can lead to instability or these components failing to operate. My recommendation would be that you deploy all these components, execute a scenario similar to your production use case, and measure the consumption. If the consumption is too high, you can try to set the maximum Java heap size to be smaller.

I'm sorry that I cannot provide specific values, but I hope that this answer helps you a bit.



answered 9 months ago

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