AWS VPN Client for Mac not starting on Sonoma 14.3.1 (Intel)


The AWS VPN Client is crashing when trying to select a configuration file.

This might be helpful from the logs:

Platform: MacOS
App version: 3.9.1
OS version: Unix
OS description: Unix
2024-02-23 11:45:41.471 +01:00 [DBG] Inserted event PROFILE_CONFIGURATION_VERSION 1 to AnalyticsTable
2024-02-23 11:45:41.471 +01:00 [DBG] Current metadata schema version is 1, which is less or equal to current supported version: 1. 
2024-02-23 11:45:41.473 +01:00 [DBG] Inserted event CLICK_LAUNCH_DESKTOP_APP 1 to AnalyticsTable
2024-02-23 11:45:41.550 +01:00 [DBG] Updater checks started
2024-02-23 11:45:41.554 +01:00 [DBG] Directory of up and down scripts /Library/Application Support/AWSVPNClient doesn't exist. Skipping
2024-02-23 11:45:41.555 +01:00 [DBG] Total logs size (MB): {0}0
2024-02-23 11:45:41.558 +01:00 [DBG] Inserted event LOG_DISK_USAGE 0 to MetricsTable
2024-02-23 11:45:41.560 +01:00 [DBG] Inserted event LOG_DISK_USAGE_INFO 0 to AnalyticsTable
2024-02-23 11:45:46.302 +01:00 [DBG] Inserted event CLICK_TRAY_ICON 1 to AnalyticsTable
2024-02-23 11:46:56.401 +01:00 [ERR] Unexpected exception occurred. Cleaning resources.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at ACVC.OSX.Utils.FilePicker.GetOvpnConfigFile () [0x00006] in <3e3d1bd9a6f24f94a8dd8ce7de2d7f24>:0 
  at ACVC.OSX.ViewControllers.AddProfileViewController.ImportFromFileButtonClicked (Foundation.NSObject sender) [0x00000] in <3e3d1bd9a6f24f94a8dd8ce7de2d7f24>:0 
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) AppKit.NSApplication.NSApplicationMain(int,string[])
  at AppKit.NSApplication.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00040] in <bbda61599649495284b7af382ef41f21>:0 
  at ACVC.OSX.MainClass.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00065] in <3e3d1bd9a6f24f94a8dd8ce7de2d7f24>:0 

Is MacOS 14.x not supported at all?

Thanks a lot for any hints

asked a year ago557 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Talked to AWS Support which recommended to

Uninstall and install the AWS VPN client. Try restarting your machine after uninstalling and then after installing the VPN client software. Retry importing the configuration file after you have installed the VPN client.

I tried that before but without restart. To my surprise it is working now.

answered a year ago
profile picture
reviewed 10 months ago

It could be that this version of macOS is not yet supported. Currently the requirements are either macOS Big Sur (11.0), Monterey (12.0), or Ventura (13.0)

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Yeah unfortunately they do not mention 14.0 explicitly. But after a reinstall and reboot it works. Thanks!

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