how do I increase the ssh login timeout


On my instance page I use the ssh login to login to my instance. How can I increase the timeout of this as it is asking me to reconnect to quickly.

asked a year ago366 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Is this when you leave the session idle for a time, and you are automatically logged out? This would be a Linux configuration issue, and not AWS, which could be being enforced several ways (or could be a combination of reasons), including:


Timeout in sshd_config

(I don't usually like linking to non-AWS sites but there's aren't any docs about this on AWS).

If your problem is something else can you give more details, including which version of Linux you are running.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thanks you were right about leaving it idle. I thought it was aws but will look at the Linux configuration.

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