Not able to find Ec2ConfigService folder while resetting the password for EC2 Windows Instance


Hi AWS, the password of my existing EC2 instance is expired and I was not aware of that. It is a Windows Instance and the AMI used is 2016 or later which is EC2ConfigService. Now while trying to change the password I followed the following steps:

  1. Launch a new instance with the same security group and subnet as the existing one.
  2. Stopped the existing instance and detached the volumes from it.
  3. Attached the volumes to the new instance and generated the password and RDP into it.
  4. Once login into the new instance I have opened Disk Manager and brought the offline disks in online mode.
  5. Now while I am trying to enable the password in the supposed location D:\Program Files\Amazon\Ec2ConfigService\Settings\config I am seeing EC2LaunchService folder and I am confused why I am not able to see the Ec2ConfigService folder.

Please guide.

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asked a year ago334 views
1 Answer

Hi Arjun.

Please check the steps describing the reset procedure using EC2Config. It might be that you are missing a step.

I hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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