I am having a challenge of importing local functions into my lambdas in my SAM serverless project. The "aws-lambda" dependency is working well but my own logic files won't get to the aws lambda as when I deploy the lambda and try running it, it has a "module not found" error in the API Gateway test. I thought it was possible to run a serverless stack with multiple API Gateways and Lambdas and Dynamo Tables with a shared codebase where lambdas can pull functionality from the shared local codebase. Some resources online either say that I should not import local libraries into my lambdas and if I do to use layers which I thought I didnt need to do.
The structure of my project is the following:
----src/create-user.ts (my lambda)
----src/get-user.ts (another lambda for example)
-template.yaml (for SAM)
I want to ensure that my create-user.ts lambda and get-user.ts lambda can get access the functions within src/helpers, src/lib, src/var...
Below is the code example for create-user.ts lambda.
import {APIGatewayProxyEvent} from "aws-lambda";
import {validateCreateUserRequest} from "../src/lib/requestValidators/apiGatewayValidator";
import {createAndStoreUserLogic} from "../src/lib/logic/users/createAndStoreUserLogic";
export const handler = async (event: APIGatewayProxyEvent): Promise<void> => {
// Log the event argument for debugging and for use in local development.
console.log(JSON.stringify(event, undefined, 2));
try {
await createAndStoreUserLogic(<string>event.body);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error creating user");
throw e;