
0,官方示例文档中的美国人口普查数据无法下载,我执行aws s3 ls s3://aws-ml-blog-sagemaker-census-segmentation。提示我“An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListObjectsV2 operation: Access Denied”拒绝访问,IAM账号已经给了AmazonS3FullAccess权限

1 Answer

hi There,

sorry to reply you late but I just tried and I found the sample notebook is still valid and I can still download the sample data using standard AWS account. Not sure it is because you used AWS China account as I can't test it.

There is an alternative way you can try it as the data is public accessible, you can either use browser to download the content - and upload to your Sagemaker notebook locally or start a terminal session with the following commands

*     cd SageMaker/
*     ls
*    cd US-census_population_segmentation_PCA_Kmeans_2023-03-29
*     wget
hope that works

if it helps you, please accept the answer and we can close your question

=== 中文 === 我刚才用标准的AWS 账号测试了一下,这个sample notebook 还是能用的,不知道是不是因为您是使用AWS中国区账号的原因,我没有测试账号无法测试。 不过有一个替代方法,因为这是个公开数据集,所以你可以直接用浏览器下载到本地然后上传到sagemaker或者在sagemaker里面开启一个终端用下面的命令

*     cd SageMaker/
*     ls
*    cd US-census_population_segmentation_PCA_Kmeans_2023-03-29
*     wget

然后通过pandas 的read_csv来读取就行

如果您觉得这个方法可以,请accept answer这样我们就可以关掉这个case。 多谢

answered a year ago

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