Suspended Versioning


I have a versioning enabled bucket with objects having retention, and if I suspend the versioning of the bucket and put object with same name again, will there be again two different object versions or just the one with latest version id as null?

asked a month ago202 views
2 Answers

Hi Saurav,

When you suspend versioning on an Amazon S3 bucket and then upload an object with the same name.

Existing Versions All previous versions of the object are retained.

New Upload The new object will overwrite the existing object but will not create a new version. The uploaded object will not have a version ID associated with it, and it will be the current version accessible by its key.

Understand Retention Know that existing versions will remain intact and accessible via their version IDs.

New Upload Behavior Recognize that after suspending versioning, new uploads will overwrite the object without creating additional versions.

Manage Existing Versions If needed, you can manage or delete old versions manually using S3,existing%20objects%20in%20your%20bucket%20do%20not%20change.

answered a month ago

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