L3 Troubleshooting Workshop - Error when trying to increase the size of the Application settings VHD


After dowloading the file Profile.vhdx, I opened Command prompt as administrator and executed these commands : diskpart select vdisk file="C:\path\to\application\settings\Profile.vhdx" but then command 'expand vdisk maximum=5000' returns an error : Enter image description here Has anyone encoutered this issue? If so, what did you do to fix ?

asked 2 days ago10 views
1 Answer

The error you're encountering when trying to expand the Profile.vhdx file is not uncommon, and there are a few steps you can take to address this issue:

  1. First, ensure that you're using the correct command syntax. Instead of 'expand vdisk maximum=5000', you should use the 'extend' command. The correct sequence of commands should be:

    diskpart select vdisk file="C:\path\to\application\settings\Profile.vhdx" attach vdisk extend

  2. If you're still encountering issues after using the correct command, it's possible that the VHD file is corrupted or there's not enough free space on your disk to expand the VHD.

  3. As an alternative approach, since you're working on the L3 workshop environment, you might consider using an EC2 Windows instance to modify the VHDX file. This method can sometimes be more reliable:

    • Create a Windows EC2 instance
    • Download the Profile.vhdx file from your S3 bucket to this EC2 instance
    • Use the diskpart commands on the EC2 instance to modify the VHDX file
    • Upload the modified VHDX file back to your S3 bucket
  4. If you continue to face issues, it may be worth reaching out to the L3 workshop support team at aws-blu-age-l3-certification-workshop@amazon.com. They might be aware of specific issues related to the workshop environment and could provide more targeted assistance.

Remember to properly close your AppStream session after making changes to ensure that your modified Profile.vhdx file syncs correctly with the S3 bucket.
Increase the Size of the Application Settings VHD - Amazon AppStream 2.0
Increase the size of the Application Settings VHDX on MacOS | AWS re:Post
Blu Age L3 Refactorings (set up environment) Profile.vhdx dont found | AWS re:Post

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answered 2 days ago

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