Deploy lorawan gateways at scale


I need to be able to deploy thousands of lorawan gateways. While I have successfully deployed several test gateways just fine, individual touch of each and every one to upload certs and cups/lns info is not really going to work well. I would really like to learn where I am missing the bulk provisioning info. How can I have my manufacturer pre-load certs and other required info? I'm OK with using the CLI to register the gateway into AWS.

I have to believer this has been covered somehow.

asked 2 years ago281 views
1 Answer

To get details about bulk provisioning LoRaWAN gateways, Please reach out to your account team to get in touch with the product manager of AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN. If you don't have an account team, please raise a support ticket.

answered 2 years ago

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