How to Access a Secret in Secrets Manager from a NextJS app running on Amplify?


I am getting an error when trying to access a secret stored in Secrets Manager from my NextJS 14 app hosted on Amplify Gen 2. Could someone please advise on what is wrong or missing with my setup?

I did the following:

  1. Deploy a NextJS 14 app on Amplify, currently running, with a NodeJS server action that accesses Simple Email Service via an access key-secret access key pair. I am using the Javascript aws/sdk v3.
  2. Added the access key and secret access key to Secrets Manager. I have two key-value pairs under the one secret.
  3. Added the policy below to the service role for the Amplify app instance, via the Amplify Gen 2 console. I have replaced the actual region, account ID, and secret name in the snippet below.
  4. Added the below sample code provided by Secrets Manager to the server action code.
  5. Ran the NextJS application locally and triggered the server action, which produced the following error:
CredentialsProviderError: Could not load credentials from any providers
CredentialsProviderError: Could not load credentials from any providers
    at async getSecretValue (./src/app/actions.tsx:68:24)
    at async sendContactUsEmail (./src/app/actions.tsx:80:5)
digest: "3336735301"

AWS Dependencies Installed "@aws-sdk/client-secrets-manager": "^3.609.0", "@aws-sdk/client-ses": "^3.606.0", "@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini": "^3.616.0",

Policy Added to Amplify App Service Role

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:account-id:secret:my-secret-name"

Also Added the Following Resource Permissions for the Secret defined in Secrets Manager

  "Version" : "2012-10-17",
  "Statement" : [ {
    "Effect" : "Allow",
    "Principal" : {
      "Service" : ""
    "Action" : "secretsmanager:GetSecretValue",
    "Resource" : "arn:aws:secretsmanager:region:account-id:secret:my-secret-name"
  } ]

Sample Code Provided by Secrets Manager, Added to the Server Action Also shown here:

// Use this code snippet in your app.
// If you need more information about configurations or implementing the sample code, visit the AWS docs:

import {
} from "@aws-sdk/client-secrets-manager";

const secret_name = "MY-SECRET-NAMEl";

const client = new SecretsManagerClient({
  region: "REGION",

let response;

try {
  response = await client.send(
    new GetSecretValueCommand({
      SecretId: secret_name,
      VersionStage: "AWSCURRENT", // VersionStage defaults to AWSCURRENT if unspecified
} catch (error) {
  // For a list of exceptions thrown, see
  throw error;

const secret = response.SecretString;

// Your code goes here
2 Answers


Judging from the GitHub issue below, it seems that IAM roles cannot be used with Amplify.
As of July 2024, it appears that no fix has been made.

In other words, I think that the current workaround is to create an access key from the IAM user and set it as a variable in "SecretsManagerClient", or set it as an environment variable and read it from there.

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • Thank you, Riku, for responding! I saw the Github issue prior but was not sure if I was still missing a step or configuration.

    I tried setting the secrets in the Secrets management section in the Gen 2 console, but the secret types defined by @aws-amplify/backend was not playing well with the rest of my NodeJS code.

  • I think it will work if you set the access key and secret access key as follows.

    const client = new SecretsManagerClient({
      region: "REGION",
      credentials: { accessKeyId: 'xxxxxx', secretAccessKey: 'xxxxxx' }

Same issue here, following up

answered 3 months ago

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